Snoring Information Guides

Sleeping and breathing quietly needn’t be stressful; especially when you’re well-informed.

Here are 6 Information Guides free to download that were written by experts in the field. 

The Guides begin with:

  • A definitive step-by-step how to stop snoring guide
  • An overview of snoring and sleep apnoea, advice for long-suffering partners
  • And finally explanations of the various treatment options.

We provide these because we’re passionate about sleep and want you to be informed.

They’re yours for free forever.

No email registration, no advertisements and no catches. 

Adrian Zacher MBA

Stop snoring BS disruptor, author, sleep patient advocate

I teach healthcare professionals how to help their patients stop snoring; sleep and breathe at the same time.

Front cover image of the Snoring and Sleep Apnoea Overview Guide

Overview of Snoring and Sleep Apnoea

British Medical Association (BMA) Patient Information Award winning!

mouthpiece front cover

How to choose a ‘Mouthguard’ (gumshield/anti-snoring device) to Stop Snoring

Mouthguards are also known as splints, gumshields, mouthpieces, anti-snoring devices, MRDs, MADs, jaw-advancing-device etc.

Click to read reviews of the Information Guides

They’re free to download, and you don’t need to register. Guides are based on current scientific evidence. They contain no advertisements and are not sponsored by a company promoting its ‘cure.’

They’re full of critical insight and illustrations, and our intention in creating them is to help you determine what you actually need – not what someone might want to sell you.

We don’t make money from recommending any particular therapy or service.

Do share them, but please do so by linking directly to That way your readers will see the latest information.

The Guides were accredited by the NHS Information Standardexternal_link3.

The Information Standard was a certification programme for all organisations producing evidence-based health and care information for the public. Any organisation achieving ‘The Information Standard’ has undergone a rigorous assessment to check that the information they produce is clear, accurate, balanced, evidence-based and up-to-date.


We aim to keep the Guides current. It’s a big job – so if you see something you think needs updating, please get in touch. Guides are consistent with:

  • The Cochrane Collaboration Systematic Reviews and Protocols
  • The National Institutes of Health’s position
  • Findings of the US Food and Drug Administration
  • National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
  • The guidelines of relevant medical/dental societies
  • Professional consensus statements, and
  • Scientific research published in peer-reviewed journals.

Please tell us what you like, what you don’t like, and what you’d like to see in future guides.You can rate our Guides below. Please include which Guide you’re referring to.

We’d be delighted for you to link to the page url:
Please do NOT link directly to the PDF files, as these are living documents and as such the URL will change – whilst the page will not. Information Guides are available for free in paper format for pharmacies, GP practices and Sleep units. We print to order and look merely to cover the costs incurred. 

Get in touch to request Guides 🙂

Page created by Emma Easton  | Page last updated 23rd Nov 2021.